Children and adults in this group have particular need for order and often have major challenges to sensory motor integration. Autism and Aspergers patients will often be over sensitive to movement in their peripheral vision, so find a classroom a challenge. Colour and prisms in spectacles can balance posture and field sensitivity.
Attention and hyperactivity disorders come with visual attention difficulties, which respond well to therapy.
Cerebral palsy patients tend never to have had the motor control to develop a good link between what they see and how they interact with it. It is vital that their spectacle correction is working well and giving flexibility. Occupational therapy may need to support tracking and functional fields.
If you have particular queries regarding your child or yourself please call or email me. Assessment will be geared completely to you and how much you can manage. Training would be in shorter sessions to maximise progress and limit fatigue.
I am extremely happy to liase with school/occupational therapy and physiotherapy. I welcome reports and feedback.